School gardens make some of the best projects! This past summer, as school started back up, the District was lucky to be apart of a new garden at Warrior Elementary. Students from ages kindergarten and up will now be able to enjoy fall veggies and herbs thanks to a wonderful collaboration between the District and the Jefferson County Farmers Federation.

District, Federation, and Young Farmers board members all came together on an early Saturday morning to build, fill and plant 8 raised beds. Locals resident and Federation Board Member Brooks Baker is mainly to thank for initiating this project. Thanks to his leadership and guidance on the project, all cooperating agencies were able to pitch in towards the efforts. Plants like sage, basil, broccoli, and cabbage were carefully planted around in the beds. Students will get to taste many of these herbs, possibly for the first time, and learn how to care for a garden. As always, we hope to inspire future farmers and gardeners with these type projects, but they are also rewarding and great exposure for students of all ages.
Community and school gardens take a lot of time and effort to continuously maintain, but when you have not only a group of excited and dedicated staff members, but also have a local resident willing to bare some of the responsibility, it makes for a great setup for success. We are excited to see all the fun things that get harvested from these gardens!
The District would like to thank Mr. Baker for his contributions of time, labor, and expertise, and the additional support from the Jefferson County Farmers Federation as well as the Young Farmers Committee.
article and photography by Holly Lynne Killian, District Administrative Coordinator