This year, the District created a new recognition program to better showcase Jefferson County agriculture. The new Conservation Farmer of the Year award was created to recognize individuals or family partnerships directly engaged in farming who not only have a conservation plan in place but also demonstrate sound conservation principles and embody conservation stewardship.
These farmers are passionate about their work and the land. These individuals have installed several conservation practices to not just enhance their farming enterprises but also to conserve and nurture the land they utilize. Through their participation with the Conservation Districts and the USDA-NRCS programs, they have been able to enhance and better their land for generations to come. They understand the concept that
"We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children (Emerson)."
The District, with the assistance of NRCS District Conservationist Olandous Curry, is proud to honor and announce Donnie Walker as our Conservation Farmer of the Year! The District will also be recognizing the four finalists this year: Brooks Baker, Evan Nelson, Lloyd Burton, and James Fountain.
Stay tuned and check back here to see more in depth articles featuring our Conservation Farmer of the Year as well as our 4 finalists!